This is a picture that I made myself when I was in art school. It is a Cyanotype which refers to the process of making these kinds of pictures. It is a bit like developing film, and you have to use chemicals that turn blue when the sun hits them.
The picture shows my hand and the hand of my niece, whom I love deeply. It is important to me because it represents love and affection. The Greenlandic word for this feeling is “Qanilaarneq”, which translates to closeness. We live in a very busy world right now and crazy things happen all the time. We are surrounded by social media and everyone is buried in their phones. Sometimes I feel there is a distance between people even though they are in the same room. For me, this picture is a reminder that we are all human and that we all need closeness, love and affection. No matter how busy we are.
Una asseq eqqumiitsuliornermik atuarfimmi atuarallarama sananikuuara. Assip sananeqariaasaa taaneqartarpoq cyanotopi, taassumalu tunngavigivaa assip sananeqarnerani atortussassiat seqernup qaamaneranik qinngorneqaraangamik tungujortunngortaramik. Assimiippoq uanga assaga, soralussamalu assaa.
Una asseq uannut pingaaruteqarpoq pissutigalugu assip takutikkamiuk qanilaassuseq. Ullutsinni assut ulapinnartumik inuuvugut, pisullu ilai eqqumiikajaarsinnaallutik. Ullutsinni sociale medie-nik tiguartisimavugut tamattalu mobiiligut alarpiarneq ajorlutigit. Ilaanni misigisimasarpunga inuit inimi ataatsimiikkaluarlutik avissaanganerat annertusartoq. Una asseq uannut eqqaasitsisarpoq tamatta inuinnaasugut, tamattalu qanilaarnermik asanninnermillu pisariaqartitsisarluta. Qanorluunniit ulapitsigigaluarutta.