Being creative in various ways is a hobby of mine, and it keeps me calm and relaxed. In Greenland, women are known for being creative with their hands, such as the sewing of skin and beads. I somehow feel that through the creations that I make, I learn more about our ancestors, our culture and identity. It is significant and meaningful to me, and my urge to discover more is growing. I want to know and learn more about the prehistory of Greenland, and I want to know all the different meanings for the things the Greenlandic women have created and continue to create with their hands. The various meanings and purposes contain so much more than culture and identity; they also represent Greenlandic history, nature, and even sustainability. These are recurrent factors that go through Greenland’s history, nature, and traditional craftsmanship with greater significance than what is confirmed.
Assigiinngitsunik suliaqarlunga pinngortitsisarnikka sukisaarsaatigaakka, taama isiortarnerma eqqissisimatillungalu ilorrisimaartittarpaannga. Kalaallit Nunaanni arnat assassortarnertik tusaamaneqaatigaat, assersuutigalugu ammerisarlutillu sapakkerisarput. Misigisimavunga nutaanik pilersitsisarnikkut siulivut pillugit, piorsarsimassuserput – kinaassuserpullu pillugit ilisimasaqarnerulertarlunga. Pingaaruteqarluinnarpoq aammalu ilinniagaqarusunninnut aqqutissiuussillunilu nukittorsaavoq. Kalaallit Nunaata itsarsuarli oqaluttuarisaanera pillugu paasisaqarnerorusuppunga aammalu arnat suliarisartagaasa pinngortittagaasalu isumaat assigiinngitsut paaserusuppakka. Piorsarsimassutsimiit kinaassutsimiillu imaqarnerujussuupput, pinngortitaq, piujuartitsisinnaaneq pinngortitarlu saqqumersippaat. Kalaallit Nunaata oqaluttuarisaanerani pisimasuupput, pinngortitaallutillu uteqattaartuartut, ilimagisamiit annerusumik isumaqartut.