I found it such a strange idea to provide a physical thing that says something about how I want to be remembered. What I keep coming back to is a concept instead of a physical object. What popped up in my mind is this idea of being a good person. This includes a lot of things, such as being a good friend, a good son, a good lover, being sustainable, making good choices, or being a good worker. Simply being good all-round.
Coming up with a physical representation of this concept was difficult but, in the end, I decided to bring the sweater that my mom made for me. That’s the only thing that made sense in my head. What I find fascinating about the sweater is that my mom made it from scratch. Just like that. It is good for any occasion or weather and it will always keep you warm. I really love the idea of Greenlanders using every part of an animal and being sustainable that way. But I do think we lost that; we don’t use every part of the animal anymore. I think we should go back to that and be more innovative with the way we use things.
Why being good is important? Well, when you look at the current news, you feel like everyone is always divided into black and white. No-one is going for the in-between, everything has to be a controversy. Why can’t we just agree that an issue is important and that it’s “a good thing” and then work on it together no matter what our standpoint is? For example, we can all agree that doing things for our children is a good thing. So, let’s do more of that. There is really no way to argue around that, or at least there shouldn’t be.
Uannut tigussaasumik arlaannik nassaariarluni imminut eqaamaneqaatissamik toqqaaniarneq. Uterfigineqattaaginnavippara arlaatigut isumaliorsinnaanermi najoqqutassiamik nassaarsinnaaneq, arlaannik tangilimmik nassaarani. Eqqaalerpara inutsialaanissamik isumaliorneq. Sorpassuit iluaniipput, soorlu ikinngutaalluarneq, ernejulluarneq, asannillaqqissuseq, piujuartitserusunneq, tigusaasanik pitsaasunik toqqaaneqimaluunniit pitsaasumik sulisartuuneq. Tassa sutigut tamatigut pitsaasuuneq.
Tigussaasumik, takussaasumillu eqaamaneqarnissami sinniisoqartutulluunnit peqarnissaq assut nalorninarpoq. Naggataatigulli anaanama uannut tujuululiaa nassaannarpara. Uaannut tulluarnerpaatut ippoq. Anaanama naqqaniit sanaaraa. Pisoqarnerni tamani tulluartuusarpoq aammalu kissalaarsimatittarpaanga. Kalaallit uumasunik suulluunnit atortorisarmatigit, taamaasillutillu piujuartitsinissaq ingerlammassuk. Taamaakkaluartorli isumaqarpunngali tamanna annaasimagipput, uumasut tunniussinnaasaat tamakkerlugit atorunnaarppavut. Isumaqarpungalu tamakkua uterfigeqqittariaqarvut. Uternissarput eqqarsaatiginngilara, kisianni atuinitsinni isumassarsillaqqinnerusariaqarpugut.
Sooq pillaqqinnissaq pisariaqarpa? Tassami soorlu nutaarsiassat atuaraangakkit suut tamarmik qernertumut qaqortumullu immikoortiterneqartarput. Akissutissat siammasinnerusinnaanerat eqqaaneqarneq ajorpoq. Suut tamarmik akerleriiffissatut saqqummiunneqartarput. Sormi eqqartorneqartoq pingaartuusutut nalilerutsigu aammalu inernissaa suleqatigiissutigigutsigu? Assersuutigalugu meeqqatta perorsarluarnissaat misigisarniaalluu suleqatigiissutigutsigu. Tammakkua sammineruniartigit. Isumaqatigiinngissutisarqarfiunngilaq. Ilami taamaattussaanngilaq.