I decided to bring a notebook, a pen, post-its and a highlighter because they all represent one thing for me: EDUCATION. For me, it’s important to get an education, to gain knowledge and fight for a better future for myself and the coming generations. With the help of a pen and paper, you can write any kind of story about your life. The highlighter lets you focus on specific things, and the post-its function as reminders.
All these things represent me, who I am today and who I would like to be in the future.
Aalajangerpunga allattaaviga, allaatiga, eqqaasitsissutikka aammalu tuschi allatannut iluarsiissuutigisartagara nassarniarlugit, tassami uannut ima isumaqarput: ILINNIARTITAANEQ. Ilinniagaqarsimanissaq uannut pingaaruteqarpoq, – ilisimasaqarnerulernissaq aammalu pitsaanerusumik nammineq kinguaariillu tullittut pitsaanerusunik atugaqalernissaat sorsuutigisariaqaratsigu. Aallaatit pappiararlu iluaqutigalugit inuunninni oqaluttuat suulluunniit allassinnaavatit. Tuschi iluaqutigalugu suulluunniit pingaartut erseqqissarsinnaavatit aammalu eqqaatsitsisutit eqaamasaqartissavaatit.
At ortut taakkua kinaassusera ersersippaat, ullumikkut kinaanersunga siunissamilu kinaarusunnersung.