This necklace represents an Inuit woman and is made of Caribou antlers. I had seen my mom wear one of these and when she realized how much I admired it, she went out and bought one for me and my sister as well. Now the three females in the nuclear family have matching ones. Every necklace is unique because it is hand-made by the artists at the harbor in Sisimiut. I like that it is made from sustainable material. The antlers were either dropped by the Caribou or, if it was hunted, I can be sure that the meat was eaten and that the skin was used for other things as well.
It is a very small object but, for me, it is a symbol of where I am from and a sense of unity with my family. It is obviously an Inuit woman because of the national costume and the way she wears her hair. It admires the strength and beauty of Inuit women.
Ujameq una tuttup nassuinik sanaajuvoq, arnatullu iluseqarluni. Anaanaga assingajaanik peqarpoq, assullu kusaginerartarnikuuvara. Ullut ilaanni uanga nukagalu pitsippaatigut, pingasuulluta assigiingajannik peqarniassagatta.
Ujammit uku tamarmik Sisimiuni sannaluttartumiik sanaapput asseqarnatillu. Pingaartippara atortunik ataavartunik sanaajunera. Tuttup nassuni katassimanngikkunigit piniarneqarsimavoq, kisianni piniarneqarsimaguni qularnanngilaq tuttu tamaat atorluarneqarsimasoq.
Ujameq mikigaluarluni uannut pingaaruteqarpoq pissutigalugu suminngaanneerninni takussutissaagami, aammalu ilaquttannut eqqaanartikkakku. Kalaaliunera ersippoq, tassami kalaallisoorpasikkami, nujailu qilerteqaramik. Ujameq arnat kalaallit pinnissusaanut nukittussusaanullu ilisarnaataavoq.