This is a Fujifilm X-Pro2 camera with a 27mm pancake lens, and to the left you can see a 30-year-old 100mm Nikon lens. The camera has a retro-style housing but is actually a highly advanced mirrorless camera. I love the size of it because you can walk around and take pictures without people noticing you. You can focus on what’s happening around you in everyday life and not disturb anyone, which is awesome.
My interest in photography evolved from a rather technical point of view to something that defines me as a character. I am fascinated by the fact that the concept of photography hasn’t changed much over time. Of course, it is all digital now, but the basic physics still apply, and you can still use the same lenses used throughout the 20th century and get amazing results. I like that I can be a part of that. I like that I can be one of the people who document our everyday life.
When I look at old pictures I am mostly interested in the details, what kind of clothing people wear or what the buildings look like in the background – details that are telling of the time or the place. You can tell a lot from only one picture.
In 50 years, people can have a look at my pictures and learn something about the time we live in now. Maybe they will say things like: “Look at that, this is amazing, they still had smartphones back then!”
Una Fujifilm X-Pro2 assiliiviuvoq. Assiliiviullu igalaasartaa siamasippoq 27 mm-teriulluni, saamiatalu tungaaniippoq Nikon isaasaliaa (objektiv) 100 mm-teriusoq. Assiliiviup illutaa qangarnisarpalaartuuvoq, taamaakkaluatoq siuarsimasorujussuuvoq. Angissusia iluarisorujussuuvara, tassami nikeqattaarluni inunnik assileeqattaartoqarsinnavoq, inunnit malugineqanngikkaluarluni. Ulluinnarni pisut siunnerfigalugit assileeqattaarsinnaavutit akornusersuinak, tamannalu nalissaqanngilaq. Assiliinermik soqutiginninnera teknikkikkut isiginninnermiit uanga pissusera aallaavigalugu soqutiginninninngorpoq, taamaasillunilu pissusinnik saqqummiisunngorluni. Assiliisarnerup piffissap ingerlanerani angisuumik allanngorsimannginera soqutiginarteqaara.
Soorunami ullumikkut digitaliuvoq, kisiannili tunngavimmigut allannguuteqarsimanngilaq. Taamaasillutillu 1900-rujukkuni isaasat atorneqartut atorlugit aasiliisinnaavutit pitsaalluinnartunillu assilisaqarlutit. Tamakkununnga peqataanera iluaraara. Iluaraaralu ulluinnarni inuunitsinnik uppernaasersuisunut ilaanera.
Assilisatoqqanik isiginnaaraangama annikitsortai, tassa mikisualuttai maluginiartarpakka, inuit qanoq ittunik atisaqarnersut imaluunniit illut sanaartukkat tunuliaqutaasullu qanoq isikkoqarnersut, tassa assip ilaanittut assillinnerup qanga pisimaneranik oqaluttuartut. Ukiut 50-it qaangiuppata inuit aasilisakka isginnaarsinnaavaat qanorlu inuunitsinnik ilikkagaqarlutik. Immaqa ilaat oqassapput: ”takoriaruk suli taamani smart-phoneqartarsimapput, – tupinnaannarpoq”.