I want to be remembered as that person who took action: that person who voiced her opinion and took action.
Right now, I’m doing everything I can to overcome my performance anxiety. Because if you want to be heard, you have to speak up. In Greenland, we are still recovering from the turbulent times of Danification in the 1950s-60s and, until now, it has been taboo to talk about our feelings. We don’t talk about the rape and violence in our society but slowly, very slowly, we are beginning to open up about our feelings. I think now is the time to take action. I want to be the voice that helps people get on the right track. I want to guide them, and I want them to know that it’s ok to be afraid. It’s ok to be a little lost. It’s ok to be sad.
In the picture, you can see me as a child sitting beside my dear grandmother, who is holding my hand. The most valuable thing my grandmother taught me is that it’s important to be there for people in life. And even today, I can still feel her holding my hand, no matter if I am happy, afraid, sad, angry, frustrated or living my life to the fullest.
I would like to take your hand and show you that you are not alone.
Uanga eqqaamaneqarusuppunga inuk iliuuseqarsimasoq. Inuk isummani annikkaa, isumannilu tunngavigalungu iliuuseqartoq.
Maannakkut ilinniarpara inuit katerisimaartuni oqalungiarnermi annilaangasarneq qaangerniarnissaa. Uangut kalaaliusungut 1950’60-kkunni qallunaanngorsangaasimanermi pisimasut inuiaasungut inuunitsinni sakkortuumik allanngortoqarpoq. Ulloq manna tikillungu paquminartuusimavoq misigissutsingut oqaasinngortinnissaanut. Atornerluinerit nakuusernerillu pisut inuiaqatigiinnitsinni oqaluuserineq ajorsimavangut. Kisianni arriitsumik, arriitsunnguamik eqqartortalerpangut.
Isumaqarpunga piffissanngortoq iliuuseqarnissatsinnut. Kalaaleqatinnut, inoqatinnut ikiuerusuppunga, aqqutissiuillungalu. Paasitikkusuppara inuppallanneruvoq ersilluni. Ajunngilaq qanoriliuusissaaruteqqalaarluni. Ajunngilaq aliasuuteqarluni. Assimi takusinnaavat meeraangallarama, aanannguama saniani issiasunga tasioraanga. Aanama nalituumik ilinniartippaanga, inuunermi pingaaruteqartoq inoqatit ikiortuarnissaat. Ulloq manna tikillugu, malungisarpara suli tasioraanga, nuannaaraluaruma, ersingaluaruma, nikallunganguma, kamaqqanguma imaluunniit inuulluataartunga.
Tasiorlakkit, takutillara kisimiinngittutit.