Rise Again · Aligoq Aappaluttoq

Midnight Kayaking, Spring 2009, Kigutaarnat Nuusssuaq Greenland Kalaallit Nunaat, Photo: © Nuunu Boassen
Midnight Kayaking, Spring 2009, Kigutaarnat Nuusssuaq Greenland Kalaallit Nunaat, Photo: © Nuunu Boassen

I wanted to choose something alive at this exact moment. When a flower dies, it becomes part of the earth and can arise again. In 50 years, all the many fashionable, short-lived things that we surround ourselves with these days will be considered outdated. They won’t matter anymore. This rose, on the other hand, will live on in some other form, and you will probably find something in the future that looks just like it.

Maannakkorpiaq uumasumik toqqaaarusuppunga. Naasoq toqugaanngami isummi pinngoqqittarpoq. Ukiut 50-sit qaangiuppata atortut suulluunnit ullumikkut nutaaliarsuartut isigisavut pisoqalisimassapput. Pingaarutaarussimassapput. Unali roosaq arlaatigut qanorluunnit ililluni ingerlaqqissaaq, ilimanaannaavorlu siunissami asseqqissaavanik naammattuisutit, – takusaqartutit.

Yellow Rose, May 2019, Nuuk Greenland Kalaallit Nunaat, Photo: © Anne Chahine
Yellow Rose, Nuunu Boassen, May 2019, Nuuk Greenland Kalaallit Nunaat, Photo: © Anne Chahine